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Enhancing EC2 Security: A Dive into CIS Scans and Benchmarks

Operating systems are becoming increasingly intricate, demanding meticulous configuration to ensure robust security. Nowhere is this more evident than with EC2 instances, where the operating system is dynamic and subject to change. The challenge lies in securing these instances. Enter the Center for Internet Security (CIS) Benchmarks - a guidance...

A Deep Dive into AWS GuardDuty Runtime Protection for EC2 Instances

GuardDuty Unveiled 🧯 Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of runtime protection, let's take a moment to understand what AWS GuardDuty is all about. GuardDuty is like a vigilant digital sentry, constantly scanning your AWS environment for any signs of malicious activity. It uses intelligent threat detection algorithms, machine...

How To Execute Commands In Your AWS ECS Containers

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) 🚀 is a scalable and flexible container management service that allows you to run, stop, and manage Docker containers in a cluster. While AWS ECS provides a web-based console for managing containers, you sometimes want to log in to the container and execute commands. Especially if...

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